From the course: SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray Next

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Rendering animations

Rendering animations

- [Instructor] One of the things that can almost always bring a little extra quality to our SketchUp rendering projects is the addition of camera motion to a shot. The problem so far as animation goes in V-Ray though is that sampling in the light cast GI engine, which is set up as one of the GI defaults in V-Ray Next, is view dependent. Meaning, it only places GI samples inside the rendering camera's current field of view. If we move the camera after the GI has been calculated, the solution becomes unusable as the camera view now contains unsampled areas, or we could think of it as gaps in the sample cloud, with exactly the same being true of the radiance mapping engine, as well. Of course, once we render again with the camera in the new location, we will get a new set of samples being calculated by V-Ray, which could cause us to think that we don't really have a problem, until we come to realize, that is, that the various…
