From the course: SharePoint Teams Sites Quick Tips

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Using audience targeting on Web Parts

Using audience targeting on Web Parts - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint Teams Sites Quick Tips

Using audience targeting on Web Parts

- [Instructor] Adding audience targeting to a web part will help dynamically filter the content of the page based on the user's role in the organization. To add audience targeting to a web part, first edit your page. Next select the web part. Next, select the web part. On the Web Part tab, click Web Part Properties. In the Events section, click the address book icon in the Target Audiences section. In the find field, select the source of your audiences. Type a term to search for your audience. Type a term to search for your audience. In the results, select the audience. Click the Add button and then click okay. Click the Add button and then click OK. In the Web Part property panel, click okay. To save the changes to the page, click the Save button. The Web Part will now only be visible on the page to the visitors to your website from that selected audience.
