From the course: SharePoint Teams Sites Quick Tips

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Save templates

Save templates

- [Instructor] Creating a template from a list or library can save you time by not having to recreate can save you time by not having to recreate the same content the same content over and over again. over and over again. For example, you might need the same site columns For example you might need the same site columns added added to each of your libraries. to each of your libraries. To save a document library as a template, you must be a site collection administrator. be a site collection administrator. First click the tools menu and then select library settings. In the permissions and management group, select the link that says that says save document library as a template. save document library as a template. Add a file name, template name, and description. If you have sample content, you can save the content If you have sample content, you can save the content with the template. Keep in mind that templates have a size limit of 500 megabytes. megabytes, including content can…
