From the course: SharePoint Teams Sites Quick Tips

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Enabling retention policies

Enabling retention policies

- [Instructor] Retention Policies help you to manage your documents and keep your lists and libraries cleaned out. libraries cleaned out. You can set a Retention Policy for each library based on a based on a legal or corporate retention policy. legal or corporate Retention Policy. To enable Retention Policies, click the Settings menu, and then select Library Settings. In the Permissions and Management group, select Information Management Policy Settings, and then select the document link. Select the check box for Enable Retention. Then, select Add a Retention Stage. A proposal is only good for three months A proposal is only good for three months from the date it's created. Let's set that Retention Policy. First, select a time period, and then type a number in the text field. And then type a number in the text field. Select a unit of time. Select a unit of time. Select an option from the Retention Action drop down list. Select an option from the retention action drop-down list. Click…
