From the course: SharePoint: Mobilizing Workflows with PowerApps

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Manage your apps

Manage your apps

- [Instructor] I have the ability in PowerApps to delete my app right here. If I need to delete an app, this is one place that I can do that. Currently, there are two people who have the ability to do this. I am one, and Rob is the other, because if I give someone contributor permission for an app, then they have the ability to delete it. And notice that I'm being prompted to say Delete from Cloud, because this app will be gone, absolutely gone and unrecoverable. Connections that I've created, for example, the connection to SharePoint will remain, but if I delete this from the cloud, I'm deleting it from everywhere. The next time I run PowerApps on my mobile device, I will not be able to use this PowerApp any longer, because remember that it refreshes and downloads these apps to my mobile device, so I'm going to cancel this. Before you give someone contributor access, you might want to think seriously about whether you would like them to be able to delete the PowerApp that you…
