From the course: SharePoint: Mobilizing Workflows with PowerApps

Create an app from SharePoint

- [Instructor] We could spend some time formatting and redesigning this list, but that's not why we're here. We're here to create a PowerApp. I'm going to choose PowerApps, Create an app. Give it a name, job Check Out. Click Create. I'll be prompted to sign in to PowerApps. PowerApps will load in another tab. It's building our app. Saving to PowerApps and here is our three screen app. We have a browse screen. We have a screen with detail. And we have an edit screen. The detail screen is displaying information. The edit screen is allowing us to enter more detailed information. We can add screens, we can remove screens, whatever we'd like to do, but this is what our basic app looks like. Notice it says CheckOut at the top. That's pretty cool. And if I make this a little larger, zoom in, then you'll notice that some decisions have been made for us about what the important columns are that we'd like to display, what size fonts we'd like to use. Don't worry if this isn't the set of choices you would have made. We had an app created for us really quickly and in the next few movies, we will learn how to modify this app. If you'd like, you can go to File and you can save it. You have some choices about things like background color and some icons to keep things that are similar together. For example, if we wanted to do some type of an icon that said we'd inspected something, we could perhaps use the search or we could perhaps use the magnifying glass for that. A good set of icons. I think we're going to use a checkbox that says this has been inspected and I like the color green and now I'm going to provide a description. What people will do with this app is this is the Job Check Out app used onsite to record inspection and follow up information. There we go. I'm going to click Save and my app is saved.
