From the course: SharePoint: Mobilizing Workflows with PowerApps

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Construct the edit screen and preview

Construct the edit screen and preview

- [Instructor] Now that we've done some formatting let's return to that third screen the Edit Screen. And I'd like to show you how the three screens work together. The easiest way to do that is to preview our app. This is our initial screen, Browse Screen one. And it lists items in order. We have a Refresh button. A Sort button. We have the ability to create a new item here on this screen. And we have a Search box. If I click the View Item Details button then what I'm seeing is our Details Screen one. Makes perfect sense, right? And if I want to go back there's my Back button. Now if I want to edit the details for one of these items and this is where it becomes critical to understand how this app is organized. First, I need to go to the Details. And then I need to click the Edit button. And when I do, I'm going to see that third form. Which is, my Edit Screen. At this point then, what I'd like to see is something that looks amazingly like the Details Screen. All of the same…
