From the course: SharePoint: Mobilizing Workflows with PowerApps

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Add a screen and navigation to your app

Add a screen and navigation to your app

- [Instructor] In a perfect world, every one of my users will immediately understand how to use this app. They'll be out in the field. They'll pull out a mobile device, and everything will work for them. However, there might be a reason for me to provide more information. I might need to tell them something about a process, for example, or explain some of the different terminology for new users. I can always find a reason to put a help screen on almost any application, and Power apps are no exception. I'm going to add a new screen to my Power app. This is what it looks like. I haven't renamed my other screens, but I'm feeling like it would be a good idea to rename them all, and there's a reason for this. If I have this screen and then I create another screen, the next screen will be called screen two, for example. It would just be better if I gave it a great name. This is going to be help info or help screen. That's perfect right there. The layout for this screen is this nice long…
