From the course: Shaping Workplace Culture as a Manager

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Leading yourself

Leading yourself

- Leadership means you have followers and you will not have followers unless they're either forced to follow you or they want to follow you. Since the workforce has shifted command and control tactics no longer work, or at least they don't work for very long. Today's workforce is more of an ask than a demand that employs do what you say. Remember, if they are not compelled, they are not coming. So working on your own leadership skills will be crucial to your success. What do you need to lead a culture change? Well, each of you may need something slightly different but here are some common themes: Great communication skills. You have to be able to communicate the picture in your head for the vision and articulate your desire for culture change to your boss, HR business partner, and others. Compassion. Having compassion for your employees is part of creating a compelling culture. Difficult conversations. Almost all…
