From the course: Shaping Workplace Culture as a Manager

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Leading up and leading across

Leading up and leading across

- Unless you're the CEO, it is likely that you listed your immediate boss and your peers as key stakeholders that you need to get on board in the key stakeholder exercise earlier in this course. Getting them on board will require influential leadership. So let's talk about what that means. Here's the definition we use. Influential leadership is the ability to affect another's behavior, opinions or actions by imperceptible or intangible means without any noticeable direct effort. It isn't really selling, because you aren't pushing an agenda, but rather gently bringing others along. So what is needed to be an influential leader that causes your boss and others to listen? Here are a few key things. Number one, credibility. You will be seen as credible if you've proven yourself by gaining a deep understanding of your own area and preferably also that of the larger organization, market and customers. The more you…
