From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Pinterest marketing for SEO

Pinterest marketing for SEO

- [Instructor] Pinterest is a platform whereby you can actually add pins and create boards. So a pin would be normally an image, but it can be a video, as well. As you can see, there's mainly images here, but there are a few videos, as well. And these videos and images actually link out to specific webpages. And people can click on these images, and they can either go to the webpage and potentially buy the product, or read the article or whatever it is, is the call to action for this particular pin. And they can also decide to save this pin, as well. You can see the comments, and they can make comments, and that's for posts. But just kind of looking at a video so you can see another example, people can click on videos, as well. And you can actually like posts, as well. So up here, you can like a post. And this is really great for search engine optimization, because if you post a pin on Pinterest and it gets a lot of…
