From the course: SEO: Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

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Content marketing for social media

Content marketing for social media

- [Instructor] In order to create content that will attract your target customers and bring your followers closer to making a buying decision, it's important to firmly understand who your target customer actually is. Simply put, the better you know your customer, the easier it becomes to sell to them. So, what exactly do you need to know about your target customer? Firstly, who are they? You should know how old they are, their gender, their common interests, and this will help you to shape the way you deliver your content. You will know what language to use, and you will know how to position your content in a way that meets the needs of your target customers. You also want to consider, what content do they currently consume? Are there creators on that platform that you're planning to create content on that already has the attention of your target customers? Potentially, you can emulate what they're doing, or at least…
