From the course: SEO: Keyword Strategy

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Social: Engage by knowing the need, time, and language

Social: Engage by knowing the need, time, and language

From the course: SEO: Keyword Strategy

Social: Engage by knowing the need, time, and language

- [Announcer] I'm amazed at the number of businesses that will post to social media, just to get five posts a week. It seems like the number of posts is more important than the substance of what's being posted. Somewhere along the line, someone thinks that frequency is more important than quality. This kind of tactic results in people stressing out at the last minute, trying to find an idea for a post. And the result is simply information posted without a larger purpose, strategic importance or a customer centric need. Your keyword research should influence your social conversations. When you create a content calendar based on popular keywords, keyword ideas and trends, you then have great ideas as to what people want to know and see about your business. The key to engaging your audience in social media is knowing what people are talking about, when they are talking about it and how to contribute value to the conversation.…
