From the course: SEO: Keyword Strategy

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How search engines display your URLs and page descriptions

How search engines display your URLs and page descriptions

From the course: SEO: Keyword Strategy

How search engines display your URLs and page descriptions

- [Instructor] The snippet, as it is called in the search engine results page, pulls information from the page it links to. These elements are not only important for rankings but also for moving searchers to click on your result. The green text in the snippet is the URL or the address of the page. As you can see, the green color sets off the URL as it shows people the domain of the website and the page that is being displayed in the rankings. Of course, this is an excellent method to gain additional keywords in your snippet. By naming your pages with a keyword, you'll get more relevance through the URL and it will be displayed in the SERPs. However, approach this tactic with caution, especially with an already existing website. As much as I would like to change this to hiking tours instead of just tours, changing your URLs on your website could have a very negative effect on your SEO if it is not done properly. The best…
