From the course: SEO: Ecommerce Strategies

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Understanding how ecommerce SERP works

Understanding how ecommerce SERP works

From the course: SEO: Ecommerce Strategies

Understanding how ecommerce SERP works

- [Instructor] The SERP, which stands for the search engines results page is what potential website visitors see after performing a search on the search engines. You can edit the meta title and the meta description of each page of your website to ensure that both search engines and users have a better understanding of what your webpage is all about. A meta title is the title of a webpage that displays in Google. There is no exact title limit. However, according to Moz, if you keep your title below 60 characters, your title should appear correctly 90% of the time. A meta description is a description that appears in the major search engines. Google usually only use 160 characters of a meta description within their SERP so you want to keep yours within this limit. I want to show you an example of other things that also may appear in the search engine result pages that you might want to keep in mind and optimize for. I have…
