From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Software-specific file protection

Software-specific file protection

- [Instructor] Some types of files offer their own built-in protection mechanisms. Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, some tools that create archives like ZIP and RAR and a variety of other software tools allow their files to be protected by a password. This password is requested when the file is opened, and if someone doesn't have the password, they can't use the files contents. This is convenient for providing security of these files because no special software is needed outside of the software already being used to work with the files. While the encryption offered by these file formats protect the file contents, the files can still have metadata that could be read by unauthorized people. Document creators and editors, file creation and modification dates, and the document name could be available, even when the contents of the document itself are locked safely away. Some software offers the ability to strip this…
