From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Shared key and public key encryption

Shared key and public key encryption

- When we're working with encryption, there's two primary types of encryption that we'll use. These are symmetric or shared key encryption and asymmetric or public key encryption. There's a whole lot of math behind both kinds and that's not the focus of this course. What's important here is to understand the high level differences between these types of encryption. How they work and what implications those differences have for how data is secured. When we encrypt information, we have two states of that information to think about. The first, before something is encrypted is often referred to as the plaintext version. Even if the information being encrypted is not text such as when it's binary data representing an image or some other kind of file. When something is encrypted, we take the plaintext and apply a mathematical transformation to it, turning it into ciphertext, the encrypted version of the plaintext. This…
