From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Security of cloud storage

Security of cloud storage

- [Narrator] Cloud storage is a popular way of storing and sharing information. In many cases, cloud storage providers offer features to make files available either to specific people or with special links. And they offer access controls to determine what people with whom you've shared a file can do with it whether they can only read it, whether they can download it and whether they can modify it. Nearly all cloud hosts use encryption to protect data being transferred to and from them. And many use encryption on the systems where files are stored in most cases, though, the encryption on the storage side still allows the host access to the files kept there for a variety of reasons, including deduplication, access for useful tools like photo galleries and, in some cases, for compliance with governmental, legal or other requirements to which they're subject. Some cloud hosts do offer storage that is not accessible to them or…
