From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Securely deleting files

Securely deleting files

- [Instructor] One gap in the secure treatment of files is deleting sensitive information when it's no longer needed. On most operating systems, when you delete a file it's moved to a temporary holding space called the recycle bin, or the trash can. So you can restore it to its previous location, If it was deleted by mistake. Some photo managers and cloud syncing applications also retain a copy of deleted files for a period of time for the same reason. If you're truly done with a file that contains sensitive information remember to empty the trash, or at least remove the file from the recycling or trash area after you delete it. This doesn't provide full protection, though. While it can keep casual snoops from finding the information, in many cases, the information is still able to be retrieved using more advanced methods. That's because file are represented on a computer's file system as a series of blocks, each…
