From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Obscuring information in files

Obscuring information in files

- [Instructor] Sometimes we need to share an image that's not sensitive except for a little bit here and there. This is common when sharing screenshots and in other situations where only a small part of an otherwise publishable image needs to be prevented from being seen. In many situations, people will open up the media they want to share in an image editor and scratch out the sensitive information. And doing this isn't terribly effective. For one thing, it looks messy. And for another, it's extremely difficult to get enough coverage to actually obscure information. It's also common to blur out information, but this isn't a great strategy. It's often actually more complicated to blur information, and in many cases, even blurred information can be reconstructed with specialized digital tools. It's better to fully cover sensitive information with an opaque shape. Ideally, going outside of the actual boundaries of the…
