From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

Important disclaimers

- [Instructor] Before we move on with the course, I want to share two important disclaimers. The first is that if you work in an organization that deals with sensitive or proprietary data, be sure to know what regulations and governance policies you're subject to when it comes to handling that data. Your organization's rules take precedence over the tips I'll share in this course. Many organizations prohibit the use of encryption tools that prevent them access to organization own data and many others encourage the use of encryption so long as it's done through approved channels or with permission. The second disclaimer is that you should be aware of the legality of using encryption wherever you are. Many countries regulate the use of encryption either fully or to some degree and you're responsible for following whatever legal requirements you may be subject to. This includes being aware of restrictions about transferring encrypted data and encryption technologies across borders. If you're working with someone in a different country or area, there may be rules that govern what can be exported or transmitted even if you work for the same company or organization. The same is true of carrying encrypted data with you when you travel. Depending on your location some of the tools I'll be using in this course may not be available to you or they may not be approved for use. It's your responsibility to be aware of such laws or regulations that might apply to you and to act accordingly.
