From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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File system permissions

File system permissions

- [Narrator] I'd like to take a moment to talk about file permissions. Which often come up in discussions of controlling access to data. File permissions control whether users of a system can read, write or execute a particular file. Permissions are widely used on all major operating systems to prevent unauthorized changes to system files and to keep individual user's files separate and mostly private. Permissions can be modified to allow or deny access to file contents either by individual user or by groups made up of users. Users who are indicated as the owner of a file can make these permission changes on files they own. And administrators, or the super user on a particular system can also make changes to file permissions, even if they don't have access to the file based on the permissions. When it comes to protecting sensitive information, a primary problem with file permissions is that they're only relevant in a…
