From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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File integrity

File integrity

- [Instructor] Sometimes we need a way to determine if a file has been modified, and instead of looking at it intently, we can use checksums to tell us if one copy of a file is identical to another copy. Checksums are the result of well-established, widely used algorithms that summarize the data in a file into a string of characters. Checksums are often provided by sites where software can be downloaded, and we can also share checksums out of band with other people when we share files with them so they can verify that the file they receive hasn't been tampered with or modified. The tools we'll use to verify checksums vary by platform, but they work in similar ways. Let's check some checksums. Here in Windows, I have two options. One that works in the CMD environment and one that works in PowerShell. I'll open up my terminal, and first, I'll use certutil with the hashfile option, which lets us calculate a checksum.…
