From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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File encryption with Kleopatra on Windows or Linux

File encryption with Kleopatra on Windows or Linux

From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

File encryption with Kleopatra on Windows or Linux

- [Instructor] The software Kleopatra operates as a one-stop shop for working with encrypted files. Kleopatra provides the ability to create and import keys and it can encrypt and decrypt files using keys or using a password. Kleopatra is free software and it's available for both Windows and Linux. We can install it on Windows by downloading the Gpg4win installer from It's included as part of that software bundle. On Linux system, you can get it from your distro's repositories or from if you use AppStream. I'll visit here on my Windows system, and I'll find the download link. I'll click through to download the file and once it's downloaded, I'll find it in my downloads folder and open up the installer. I'll proceed through the installer. I don't need this option so I'll deselect it and I continue. Once the installation finishes, I can have the…
