From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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File encryption with GPG Suite on macOS

File encryption with GPG Suite on macOS

- [Instructor] On a Mac, we can use software like GPG Suite to manage keys and encrypt and decrypt files. I can download the installer for that from GPG stands for GNU Privacy Guard, and it's a nod to the acronym PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy. GPG provides open source implementations of encryption tools. Whereas PGP is a commercial software that provides encryption tools. The GPG Suite software comes with a lot of features, but we'll just look at a few in this video. I'll visit and I'll download the installer. When it's downloaded, I'll mount the disk image and I'll run the installer. I'll click Customize here and de-select the GPG Mail component. That's something we won't be focusing on here and it's a paid product after a 30-day trial. What we'll focus on here are the GPG Services and the other supporting apps down here. Okay, I'll move through the installer. And now that's…
