From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Encrypted email

Encrypted email

- [Instructor] Though we've discussed encryption in this course, there's one implementation of encryption that I'm not going to be demonstrating, and that's encrypted email. Encrypted email uses public-key encryption to protect messages between senders and recipients. Encrypted email of some kind or another is used in a variety of places to secure messages sent between people. In principle, it's a pretty simple arrangement. But in practice, it can be complicated to set up, tedious to manage, and difficult to properly secure. There are two primary problems with encrypted mail. One is that, in order to actually work, part of the message has to be in clear text, the various addresses of the recipients and sender, and any other information that mail servers read or add as the message transits through the internet to its destination. Email can contain encrypted information within the message body, though, or as an attachment.…
