From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Encrypted disk using LUKS on Linux

Encrypted disk using LUKS on Linux

- [Instructor] On a Linux system, we can create an encrypted disk using LUKS, which stands for Linux Unified Key Setup. LUKS lets us create an encrypted disk using DM-crypt and it lets us set up to eight passphrases for a given volume. This is useful for a variety of reasons, including the ability to set a backup or emergency key in case you forget your regular one, and the ability to allow two or more people access to the same encrypted disk without requiring them to share their secret key. Let's look at encrypting a USB flash drive on Ubuntu using LUKS through the cryptsetup tool. First I'll make sure cryptsetup is installed on my system with apt install cryptsetup. On other distros, the package name may be different. For example, on Fedora, it's cryptsetup LUKS. With that installed, I'll check to see what the device identifier for my external disk is. We'll need that information when we encrypt and format the drive…
