From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Encrypted disk image using Disk Utility on macOS

Encrypted disk image using Disk Utility on macOS

From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

Encrypted disk image using Disk Utility on macOS

- [Narrator] On a Mac, we can create a disk image using the disk utility application. As we've seen earlier, a disk image is a file that contains a file system which the system can mount just like a regular disk. An advantage to using disk images is that they can be treated like any other file, copied, backed up and so on. That's harder to do with a physical disk. I'll open up the disk utility application here on my Mac. To create a new disk image, I'll navigate to the File menu and find New Image and then I'll choose Blank Image. Here, I have a lot of choices to make. Let's start at the bottom with image format. A read-write disk image acts like a regular hard drive or thumb drive. And when we create it, it will take up the full amount of space as its defined capacity. Well, it'll take a little bit more because of overhead, but not too much more. Sparse images are file systems that don't take up all the space…
