From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Cross-platform encrypted disk with VeraCrypt

Cross-platform encrypted disk with VeraCrypt

From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

Cross-platform encrypted disk with VeraCrypt

- [Presenter] While each major operating system offers its own way of creating encrypted volumes. They're not portable between operating systems. I can't use a BitLocker volume on a Mac for example or a file vault volume on a Windows computer. In many cases, this isn't a problem. Not too many of us hop frequently between platforms with our protected data but sometimes we need to or sometimes it's nice to know we can if we have to. There's a variety of software tools out there that can create encrypted disks and encrypted disk images that can be used across operating systems wherever that software is installed. I'd like to take a few moments here to show you VeraCrypt which runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's free and it provides many options for creating encrypted volumes. VeraCrypt is available from the website You can find the installer for your platform under the downloads tab. I'll start on Windows here.…
