From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

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Cross-platform encrypted disk image with VeraCrypt

Cross-platform encrypted disk image with VeraCrypt

From the course: Security Tips: Protecting Sensitive Information

Cross-platform encrypted disk image with VeraCrypt

- [Instructor] Using VeraCrypt, we can create an encrypted disk image which lives inside of a regular file. As with the other encryption methods we've seen so far, this process is largely the same as making an encrypted disk. So I'll go through that part a bit faster when we get to it. To create an encrypted disk image, I'll open VeraCrypt and find volumes in the menu bar and I'll click create new volume. Here, I'll choose encrypted file container. That container will be a file instead of a disk. I'll use a standard volume. And again, if you want to read about why someone might choose a hidden volume, there's a link here. It makes less sense to use a hidden volume for a disk image but it's available should you want to. I'll choose the location to store the file and make sure to pick a name for the disk image that doesn't reflect what's stored inside. Someone looking at this file will see a big chunk of random data.…
