From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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SAP Controlling (CO)

SAP Controlling (CO)

- [Instructor] Let's look at the SAP controlling module, called SAP CO. SAP controlling deals with planning and monitoring business operation costs. It has powerful reporting functions and can show exactly where money is being spent at a company. Ideally, this can be used to increase profitability. The five primary sub modules of the SAP CO module are profit center accounting, cost center accounting, internal orders, product costing and profitability analysis. Profit center accounting is used to evaluate profit or loss of independent areas within a company. Instead of looking at a company's profitability as a whole. Let's take a look at a profit center in SAP. In our test system, we're now looking at profit center 1011. This profit center is called widget sales. We can also see this profit centers controlling area, which is controlling area 1000. In the validity date, we can see this profit center became valid on January one…
