From the course: Sales Strategy: Building Relationships to Successfully Sell

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Prepare your LinkedIn profile for sales prospecting

Prepare your LinkedIn profile for sales prospecting

- When I started my career, I remember walking into my first sales office. Each desk had two things, a bulky computer and a massive book known as the Yellow Pages. In the past, having a listing in the Yellow Pages was a must for conducting business. It was a way to communicate the value of your business to the community, and not having a listing meant you weren't considered legitimate. Today, the Yellow Pages are long gone and have been replaced by LinkedIn, a much more powerful tool. LinkedIn not only exposes you to a larger community, but it also gives you an opportunity to tell your story and showcase your attributes, which attracts people with whom you have great alignment. Remember, alignment is the key to successful relationship centric sales. To be a successful relationship-centric seller, it's crucial to present yourself in the best light on your LinkedIn profile. Your profile should communicate who you…
