From the course: Sales Skills for Non-Sales Professionals

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How your sales questions can be your superpower

How your sales questions can be your superpower

From the course: Sales Skills for Non-Sales Professionals

How your sales questions can be your superpower

- Did you know that you can get a competitive advantage just by asking the right types of questions? But most professionals ask the same types of questions when they're having sales conversations. So for example, if you are looking for accounting services and you met with five potential accountants, and if those accountants asked the same types of questions, it's hard to stand out. You can do so much better than your competitors by asking insightful questions that make your prospects think and feel such things like, "Wow, no one's ever asked us that before." And there's two types of questions we can ask when having sales conversations, transactional questions and tactical questions. Transactional questions relate to the service or the product being offered. They're the things like, "What do I get? How much does it cost? Is it red or blue? Is it 10 or $15,000? And where do I get it?" Transactional questions don't…
