From the course: Sales Skills for Non-Sales Professionals

How to shorten your sales cycle

- Has this ever happened to you? You have an engaging conversation with a prospective new client. They say all the right things, you hear all the right sounds, and they ask you to send a proposal. You tell your colleagues about this fabulous meeting with this huge new prospective client, and your colleagues are pumped for you, and you send your proposal. And now you wait and you hear nothing. A common reason why sales cycles or decision-making cycles become long and drawn out is because the process is lacking measures to keep things moving forward. Now, I'm going to teach you a strategy and a technique that ensures you never have to wait for a response again. That strategy is never finish a meeting without booking in the next meeting. Now, booking in another meeting doesn't mean we say to someone, "Oh, this is really great. We should catch up again," and they agree and they say, "Yeah, we totally should do that sometime." Booking a meeting means never finish a meeting without booking in the next meeting. Now, here's the technique that we use to do that. We say something like, "Hey, Joni, this has been a great conversation today. I can see this is an important challenge that you're looking to solve, so we should keep the momentum going in our conversation and make another time to catch up just so I can see how things are sitting with you. Joni, I've got my calendar handy. Do you have yours?" Then you book your meeting for about four days after you've sent that proposal, and I can tell you with confidence that myself and my clients all have 100% strike rate in using this technique. Now, let me challenge you to pause this video for a moment. Go to your calendar, find your next prospect meeting, and in the agenda for that meeting, add a note to yourself that reads, "Book the next meeting." Go and give that a try.
