From the course: Sales Skills for Non-Sales Professionals

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How to set your week up for sales success

How to set your week up for sales success

From the course: Sales Skills for Non-Sales Professionals

How to set your week up for sales success

- If you'd like to never have to worry about where your next client is coming from, then you're going to love this video. One of the biggest things that goes wrong when professionals are caught up doing the work and delivering the services, is that their sales activity drops off. They become too busy to do it, which means they stop prospecting, they stop networking, and they stop following up. This can result in inconsistent revenue, and stress, related to targets and chasing revenue. You can avoid this becoming a problem by ensuring that no matter how much work you have on, you remember to prioritize your sales activity. Now, I'm not suggesting that you should be doing sales activity 24/7. What I am suggesting is that you must never stop your sales activity. Now, you may think that you're saving yourself some time by cutting back on sales activity, however, this can have a medium-term impact by penalizing you with no…
