From the course: Sales Prospecting: How to Connect with Today’s Busy Buyers

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Define your targets for prospecting

Define your targets for prospecting

- With your prospect channels now identified, the next step is to identify your prospecting targets. This is something you'll do for each of your channels helping you to create a customized approach that will ensure your prospecting efforts bring you results. Your targets represent those companies who have a need for what you're selling either today or in the future. They also define the positions or titles of the individuals within each company that have the authority to buy from you. For example, if you were selling software and one of your prospect channels was manufacturers, selecting your targets would include answering the following questions. What size of manufacturers are ideally suited for my software? What regions or territories can I find those manufacturers in? What are the titles of the people who would benefit from this software? What are the titles of the people who have the budget and authority to buy my software? As an example, in working through these questions, it…
