From the course: Sales Prospecting: How to Connect with Today’s Busy Buyers

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Being disciplined when prospecting

Being disciplined when prospecting

- I've been going to a gym to train since I was in my teens. Regardless of where I am in the world, throughout my travels to work with clients, I always find time to find and visit a local gym. To stay fit, regardless of a hectic travel schedule, requires discipline. Sure, there are things I would rather be doing like staying in bed longer or staying out late at night, but I'm committed to maintaining my fitness. Selling, like fitness, requires discipline. From prospecting to closing, there are numerous activities that must be completed on a regular basis. Skipping, delaying, or foregoing any of those activities will have a direct impact on your ability to sell. Skip your prospecting calls because you're too busy. You'll have fewer leads to pursue. Miss a prospect meeting because you had an appointment, that prospect is likely lost forever. To build your sales discipline requires you focus on the following steps. First, create your results list. What will you achieve today, this week,…
