From the course: Running a Photography Business: The Basics

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Building your team

Building your team

- Even if you're a one-person operation, and you're going to be the sole proprietor of a one artist business, there's still a team of noted professionals you've got to have as your backup, and that's really important, because things are going to happen that are out of your control, and you want to have a team that's essentially on call. None of you see a doctor every single day, or hopefully not, but you've got a doctor you can call when you or somebody in your family is sick. Well, in the same respect, you want to have some professional support. Now, it starts with your legal side. You're going to want to have an attorney, and these aren't always the same kinds of attorneys. You're going to want to establish the name of your company. You're going to want to incorporate. You're going to want to decide what kind of corporation you're going to be. You're going to want to trademark your name possibly, or your product, or your company. The point is that it's not something that's easily…
