From the course: Rocking Your First Retail Sales Job

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The unspoken rules of work

The unspoken rules of work

- A lot of companies have really comprehensive on-boarding and training program, but training doesn't always address things like, Susan prefers you clock in after you get your coffee or Dan hates it when we say yeah instead of yes. I was guilty of this once. Well, probably a lot more than once, but one specific example springs to mind. I was working as a part-time receptionist in an office during college. And being a college kid, I often responded to thank you with no problem or of course, not you're welcome. Well, little did I know, it was one of the big boss's huge pet peeves. Thankfully, another seasoned employee was nice enough to let me know. And that, my friends, is the secret to picking up on the unspoken rules of work. You need to find a workplace buddy, an alliance, someone who will save you from those unspoken rule mistakes. This person might appoint themselves, like the raging extrovert who came right up to you on your first day and said they're happy to answer any…
