From the course: Rhino and V-Ray: Product Design Rendering

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Geeky definitions you should know

Geeky definitions you should know

In this video, I'd like to cover some of the most common terms used by 3D geeks like me. These are terms that many courses assume you already know and then never bother to explain which drove me crazy enough to make this one video just for definitions. This is a pretty short list, so don't worry about having to learn a whole new language. We'll start off with the term Global Illumination or GI. Now this is a cool rendering algorithim or engine, you can even call it a process, that is used by V Ray and other software, to calculate even lighting for soft shadows and soft illumination. It is very easy to set up and use. Here is an example to the right of the penguin, and you can see that the lighting is very even. And the shadows are very soft directly underneath the penguin's feet. Now, it's also worth noting V-Ray is going to be using two render engines in series. The first one will be calculating GI, or global illumination. The second rendering engine or process is called a Raytrace…
