From the course: Rhino and V-Ray: Product Design Rendering

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Camera settings and strategies

Camera settings and strategies

In this video, I share some of my favorite camera settings and strategies. These simple adjustments can make a huge difference in your renderings. So, let's start in the V-Ray Options Editor and check out to make sure we have a physical camera selected. You look in the V-Ray toolbar, click on O for options and then right here towards the top is camera. And you should have by default physical camera turned on and the following setting. F number will be at eight, Film speed at 100, and the Shutter speed at 30. I recommend, if the scene comes out too bright or dark, just changing the shutter speed keep things simple. But you can change other options here as well if you feel more comfortable. Finally, none of this will work unless you have the exposure checked on. The exposure says please use the physical camera, even though physical camera is selected. So, make sure both are on. That's it for the camera settings. We can close the options down now. Some other checklist items are in this…
