From the course: Revenue, Staffing, and Expense Models Explained

Build your financial plan

- Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work and start building your financial plan. Now I know some of you have been dreading this time. You're like, "Urgh, this is the lesson, "this is the part I don't want to do", working with my financial plan. You may have, may not be really financially oriented or you're a little bit worried about it. Don't worry, even if you have been trying to avoid this you can't avoid it any longer and we're going to make it really easy for you. So, I want to tell you. You don't need to know Excel. You don't need to go Google Sheets. You don't need to know how to work a spreadsheet. We've made it really easy. We're going to take you step by step through the process. Now I want to quell your fears just a little bit. I know that going into this process some of you are fearful, maybe you don't have the knowledge or you don't feel like you come from this background. It's really pretty simple to actually walk through this process and I can't tell you how important it is that you get this right because this is what all the investors are going to look at. This is what they're going to question you on, so I want not just you to understand how the financials are put together. I want you to understand the details around what the meaning is behind the numbers. Now what we've done for you is we've actually created a series of spreadsheets that we can walk through, step by step. We're going to walk through step by step and even the most sophisticated investor will understand these financials with ease. So, let's get started.
