From the course: Retail Sales Management

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Hiring retail sales talent

Hiring retail sales talent

- A lot of successful businesses thrive because they spend a lot of time and energy making sure they have the right people in the right places for the right jobs. In retail, it's no different. You want to stack the odds in your favor. To do this, you need to hire people that are going to fit in with the type of business you are, that are going to present themselves well and treat your customers with respect. Here are a few tips for making sure you hire right early, avoiding costly mistakes and errors that need to be fixed. First, when conducting an interview, try and show them live interactions between employees and customers. Let them view your business in real time and get an idea for its pace. They might be nervous, but see how they interact with your fellow employees or the products on the shelves or the customers in the store. Do they smile and make eye contact or do they seem a bit awkward? Second, forget all of those basic interview questions and have a conversation with the…
