From the course: Retail Sales Management

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Build loyalty through your retail marketing

Build loyalty through your retail marketing

From the course: Retail Sales Management

Build loyalty through your retail marketing

- A lot of businesses struggle in retail because they're not marketing effectively. They're not building their own customer list, and they're not marketing to their customers on a regular basis to engage them and to build a relationship, or they're not using all of the simple tools that are available to businesses these days to segment a customer list and deliver targeted and specific messages to customers. Marketing is one of the single most important things you can do to drive people to your store for the first time or to drive them back to purchase again and again. Here are the actions to take so we can set ourselves up for success. First, it's important for you to be capturing information so you can market to your customers, so you can send them a weekly newsletter so you can thank them for their first purchase, or you can send them something on their birthday. More importantly, you can use this as a way to build a relationship with your customer. Second, own your own customer…
