From the course: Real Estate: Negotiating with Sellers

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Resources to help you think through your negotiations

Resources to help you think through your negotiations

From the course: Real Estate: Negotiating with Sellers

Resources to help you think through your negotiations

- [Instructor] As you think through some of those tips, I hope you'll take just a moment to practice them, to make them a part of what you do permanently, and I think you'll see an immediate result, an immediate increase in the amount of influence you have as you work with sellers. Now, I want to take this moment, now, that we've talked about principles, and we've talked about assumptions, and I've given you a few basic techniques to point out a resource that you have as a part of this course. It's called "The Negotiation Playbook". It's a phenomenal summary of the techniques and processes that make a good negotiator extremely powerful. It will take you about half an hour to 45 minutes to study it, and it will give you such a great understanding and in-depth knowledge of what we've just discussed that, again, you'll feel things go to a whole another level. So let me point out, again, the negotiation playbook and invite you…
