From the course: Prometheus Essential Training

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What is Prometheus?

What is Prometheus?

- [Instructor] By now, you are familiar with the exciting promise and potential of Prometheus, but what exactly is Prometheus? Prometheus is an essential tool that helps you monitor the performance and health of your systems in real time. It is an open source monitoring and alerting toolkit that was designed for reliability and scalability. The name Prometheus has its roots in Greek mythology In ancient tales, Prometheus was a Titan who brought fire and knowledge to humanity. In a similar vein, the Prometheus monitoring tool empowers us to gain insights into our systems, giving us a metaphorical fire of understanding. Prometheus originated at SoundCloud, the music streaming platform. It was created by engineers looking to tackle the challenges of monitoring a complex, dynamic, and rapidly changing environment. They needed a reliable solution, and Prometheus was born to meet that need. Over time, Prometheus grew beyond SoundCloud, and in 2016, it became a proud member of the Cloud…
