From the course: Prometheus Essential Training

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Best practices for scale

Best practices for scale

- [Instructor] In the previous videos in this chapter, we have discussed various techniques that can help us scale Prometheus, and in this video we'll summarize them to provide a holistic view and help you remember more easily. So what are the common problems you're likely to encounter when you begin to scale Prometheus and get more metrics? The first is that you might be forced to reduce the metrics you're collecting because of several memory disc or CPO limitations. The next is that metrics are stored on system disk and the disk can get filled up. This means that depending on your configuration and disk space, you might have no long-term storage. The next is that there is also a risk of data loss on individual machines that contain the metrics. Now, let's look at some of these solutions to these problems. The first is to take advantage of federation. Aggregate metrics at different levels of granularity using hierarchical federation. Next is to implement dynamic service discovery…
