From the course: Project Management: Energy and Water Projects

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Stakeholders and their roles

Stakeholders and their roles

- Imagine orchestrating a grand symphony where every musician plays a distinct role, yet all come together to create a magnificent melody. This is the world of stakeholders in energy and water projects, a world where collaboration and communication are key. First, let's define who these stakeholders are. They are individuals, groups, or organizations with a vested interest in the outcome of a project. From the engineers designing a dam to the local communities affected by its construction and the regulatory bodies overseeing it, each has a unique perspective and role. In the energy sector, stakeholders range from environmentalists concerned about the footprint of a new power plant to investors ensuring their funds are well-utilized, and consumers awaiting reliable energy. In the water realm, think of urban planning as designing efficient distribution systems or farmers relying on irrigation projects. Each voice, each concern, is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Now, the magic happens…
