From the course: Project Management: Energy and Water Projects

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Initiation phase

Initiation phase

- Every great journey begins with a single step. And in a world of energy and water projects, this crucial first step is the initiation phase. Today, let's embark on this exciting beginning and explore its many facets. Picture this, an artist staring at a blank canvas, ready to bring their vision to life. The initiation phase is much like this moment of anticipation where potential is limitless and the path forward is about to be charted. So what happens during this phase? First, project definition. This is where we ask the big questions. Why is this project needed? What are its goals? Perhaps it's a new hydroelectric plant to support a growing city or a water purification system for a drought-hit region. Second, stakeholder identification. Who are the key players, from local communities and government bodies to investors and environmentalists? Understanding and involving stakeholders from the get-go is crucial. Third, initial risk assessment. What challenges might we face?…
