From the course: Project Management: Energy and Water Projects

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Execution phase

Execution phase

- After meticulous planning, we're now ready to jump into action. Welcome to the execution phase of energy and water projects, where dreams turn into tangible results. Today we're journeying through a starting of work, keeping an eye on progress, and ensuring the highest quality. first step, commencing work. With plans in hand and resources allocated, it's time to roll up our sleeves. Groundbreaking ceremonies might launch major infrastructure projects, technicians powering up machinery, and teams gathering to initiate tasks. The blueprint starts to manifest into a physical form, be it an energy grid, lighting up a town, or a water treatment facility purifying thousands of gallons. As we navigate forward, we come to monitoring and controlling. Imagine being a captain steering a ship. You constantly check your compass ensuring you're on course. In projects, this involves tracking milestones, measuring progress against the plan, and making adjustments as needed. It's not just about…
